Harness the Gift of

Sacred Medicines


My life is dedicated to supporting courageous women to embody and express their feminine power in ways that support their own fulfillment and bring more love and leadership into our world.

This is deep transformational work, deserving of the very best of me, and the most potent tools I can bring.

That's why we have to talk about
Sacred Medicines.



Let's talk about Sacred Medicines. Also known as entheogens or psychoactive substances that have the ability to induce alterations in perception and consciousness for the purpose of engendering transformation and spiritual development.

Some are naturally occurring and have been used in ancient traditions for millennia. Others are synthesized and have only been available for a few decades. Sacred medicines include water, breath, air, sunlight, and mother nature. 


Sacred Medicines can illuminate the path before us, but they can’t make us walk it. They can provide healing and insight but at the end of the day, it's up to us to transmute that into transformed actions, perspectives, and ways of being.

That's why I offer to accompany you in that oh-so-important integration process, holding you as you land realizations as new realities.


Psychedelic Integration is the process of translating the insights and healing received from our experience with psychedelic medicines into new patterns in our lives. Deliberately.

Allowing our experience to reform us, in our being, our worldview and our action is the real fruit of the experience. It is the investment that allows the experience to cause transformation in our lives.

Making Use of Integration

My Psychedelic Integration support can be particularly valuable in three ways

The Breakthrough

Confronting the obstacles that keep us from our goals, or stepping powerfully into new chapters in our lives are just two of the ways in which Sacred Medicines can create breakthroughs and unleash new possibilities for who we are and what we do.

Integration done deliberately and skillfully will be what translates peak experience into practice.

Walking the Path

For many of us, Sacred Medicines are an important tool in seeking the deeper truths in our lives. Truths that can inform all our choices and actions.

If this is you, let me hold you as you incorporate this new "way of knowing" into daily practice, new perspectives, and fresh choices. This may be the most potent way to engage in our own growth and expression.

Enveloped in Love

Doing this work for one's personal development can be valuable beyond measure and this path is equally as impactful walked together by couples, partners, family, and loved ones.

There are no limits to the healing Sacred Medicines offer and engaging in that process with loved ones in your life can unlock love, healing, and relationships like you have never known. 

My Journey

It was a shaman on my first visit to the Amazon rainforest who first called me out for not fully accepting my role as a medicine woman. I had no real sense of what he meant, nor did I know how to claim or own that role.

But life continued to lead me and teach me the ways of healing. My path continued to take me to the Amazon and then the Andes of Peru and then to Ecuador. I learned the ways and wisdom of a variety of Sacred Medicines alongside a range of teachers. Eventually, spirit asked me to support others in integrating the benefit of medicines into their lives.

Through my countless journeys with Sacred Medicine, I have confronted the depths of my own shadows, abuse, PTSD, and experienced mystical life-altering experiences.

These experiences allowed me to connect with the divine on a transcendent level that changed the course of my life.

It is my heartfelt belief that every woman deserves the opportunity to shed limiting beliefs, unravel confining narratives, and make the extraordinary leap from who the world perceives them to be, to who they truly are.

As a shamanic practitioner and psychedelic integration guide, I have witnessed the transformative power of these sacred medicines and practices in both my own life and the lives of hundreds of women I have had the privilege of working with. This work lights my heart and soul on fire. 


"The medicine softened my heart, it allowed the love I am, in. A weed nurtured, a fragrant bouquet blossomed inside me. What a profound life-changing experience for me.

I feel truly blessed to have been there to connect with women that are now soul sisters, and true friends. I was seen. I was heard. And I can’t wait for the next one!

This was such powerful work that all women should do!"


Chelsea G.
Pacifica Retreat 2023

"The medicine softened my heart, it allowed the love I am, in. A weed nurtured, a fragrant bouquet blossomed inside me. What a profound life-changing experience for me.

I feel truly blessed to have been there to connect with women that are now soul sisters, and true friends. I was seen. I was heard. And I can’t wait for the next one!

This was such powerful work that all women should do!"


Chelsea G.
Pacifica Retreat 2023

"The medicine softened my heart, it allowed the love I am, in. A weed nurtured, a fragrant bouquet blossomed inside me. What a profound life-changing experience for me.

I feel truly blessed to have been there to connect with women that are now soul sisters, and true friends. I was seen. I was heard. And I can’t wait for the next one!

This was such powerful work that all women should do!"


Chelsea G.
Pacifica Retreat 2023

"The medicine softened my heart, it allowed the love I am, in. A weed nurtured, a fragrant bouquet blossomed inside me. What a profound life-changing experience for me.

I feel truly blessed to have been there to connect with women that are now soul sisters, and true friends. I was seen. I was heard. And I can’t wait for the next one!

This was such powerful work that all women should do!"


Chelsea G.
Pacifica Retreat 2023

"The medicine softened my heart, it allowed the love I am, in. A weed nurtured, a fragrant bouquet blossomed inside me. What a profound life-changing experience for me.

I feel truly blessed to have been there to connect with women that are now soul sisters, and true friends. I was seen. I was heard. And I can’t wait for the next one!

This was such powerful work that all women should do!"


Chelsea G.
Pacifica Retreat 2023

Unsure of your next step?

Let's talk about how Psychedelic Integration can support you and your ambitions.


An Important Disclaimer


All content on this website is for informational purposes only.

As a psychedelic integration guide, Sand Symes is not promoting the mindless use or consumption of sacred medicines. Sand Symes is only offering support for the integration of psychedelic experiences – if you so choose to consume them – for the purpose of healing, transformation, growth, and expansion of consciousness.

If you choose to use psychedelics or other sacred medicines, you are choosing to do so as a personal choice, from your own free will, not based on any recommendation from any outside parties including Sand Symes. Please be advised that the consumption of psychedelics is still an illegal offense in the US, and many other countries around the world. 

Please take ownership and full responsibility for the choices you are making for your body, your physical and mental health, and your life.